Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pray for tonight's SG

Small group starts at 8 pm.
It will be a discussion on the following questions (from Sunday's message):

1. We can’t do everything, but we can do something.

  • What can you do to demonstrate that God cares about justice in the lives of people you know or perhaps even don’t know personally?

2. As we think about ways in which we can work for justice and demonstrate mercy, Tim Keller offers a helpful diagram. Four concentric rings beginning with family, church, community and then country.

  • Can you identify needs in each of these circles?

3. Two key obstacles we need to overcome in order to impact our world for Christ: ignorance and fear.
  • Can you identify some fears that keep you from being a channel of grace & mercy in this world?
  • Can you identify some areas of ignorance that keep us from being effective or involved in helping hurt and broken people?