Monday, July 13, 2009


It all started last Thursday.

Frank and Josh arrived at my house promptly at 6:30 pm for prayer. I've known Frank since high school. And both Frank and I have known Josh for just a couple of months. Several months ago, we were all brought together through our decision to be on the ministry team at The Bridge. Thus far, our connection with one another has been that of co-workers, planning and building the foundation to this church plant.

A cloud hung over Frank. Josh was tired from a long day of work. This is how they arrived to prayer meeting. And for whatever reason--well because God loves us--Frank and Josh felt free to share about what was going on inside of them, the load they felt. And this was how we entered into prayer.

In prayer, I sensed our frailty and God's strength. And when we were done praying, I realized that for once we hadn't met to plan, strategize, hypothesize, discuss, or work. We came together to pray and experience God.

After praying, I saw Frank and Josh in a different light. They weren't just ministry partners, but fellow sojourners in this "walk of life". Through prayer, a deeper bond was developed.

Then at 7:30, more people came to join us for small group. We went around sharing our testimonies, how we came to know Christ. Some of these stories were dramatic and emotional - God had done so much, turned our lives around 180 degrees. We were heading down crazy roads if He hadn't saved us. Even my pastor, wow what a crazy guy he was! Well, still is...LOL

Yesterday, at church, Frank happened to be in charge of delivering the "message" to the congregation and he talked about Acts 2. Acts 2 illustrates how the early church experienced God together and how that experience deeply bonded them together.

The illustration begs this question: at church, are we bonded together through our work and service, or are we bonded together through our corporate experience of God?

To be honest, for me, I think I've just started to experience the latter at The Bridge. It all started on Thursday--and I'm very excited about it!

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