Monday, June 29, 2009

Watershed verse? John 4

For the last two Sundays, we've been discussing the book of John, chapter four. Thomas said that it might be our landmark passage, a turning point in our outlooks on ministry. I think I agree.

Our ministry team is a very gifted bunch, but our challenge is our capacity to love. As Thomas said yesterday, "We have big heads and tiny hearts". I appreciate the critique, PT. Let's be honest with ourselves, do we go out of our way to Samaria? Do we engage with the woman at the well? Do we become indebted to her? WOW, JESUS GOD OF THE UNIVERSE is humble, loving, and amazing.

Do you know my testimony (how I came to believe in Christ)? I was a big time skeptic. But when I came across Bible passages detailing Christ's love for people that the world could care less about, I was extremely intrigued and hooked. This was what made me want to further investigate this so-called savior.

Since then, I've always wanted to be the hands and feet of Christ. I've always dreamed about being a part of a church who would live out Christ's very own passion and heart. Read the Bible, and I see that God's passion and heart is for PEOPLE - it's stamped a gazillion times everywhere from OT to NT. So when we think about the programs, design, and processes of this church plant, I think it's simple and clear: CONNECTING PEOPLE TO...


So folks, continue to get this website out so that we can develop a strong prayer network...
Continue to pray for us. We need the help of the Holy Spirit to expand our hearts and give us a greater capacity to love and give. God re-wire us if necessary. Create a counter-cultural movement, build true community at The Bridge!

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